Sunday 1 July 2012

Meet my baby girl!!!

Jade ( as in Yaa-de) A 10 months old Lapinporokoira or also known as Lappish reindeer dog. My mother-in-law named her actually, and she was a birthday gift from her to my hubby. I was hoping for a Husky, or a bigger, fluffy dog or a cat since I am more of a cat person (apparently hubby has developed an allergy towards cat? ) but we ended up  getting her instead which is great, our apartment is relatively small and a medium sized dog will do.

I'm a hunter...

Yes, i'm the hunter of the night, well actually it's 3.02 am. On the other side of the globe, where my hometown is, the sun is up and Tuesday has arrived. As for me it is still dark and in the dark i hunt. A job. Yes, im job hunting currently. No success. To be continued.........

Ps: I need my beauty sleep, im only human after all.

Alas, Finland land of the Finns...

Landing on this place was not in my plan at all...AT ALL.
Married to a Fin was not either. Settling down elsewhere but Kch, a big YES. Not that I don't love my hometown, I do very, very much. The idea of living close to dear friends and family is still my number one priority.
However, God is a jolly-old-fellow.